Woman B: I watch videos mainly, I enjoy reading erotica online too. Woman A: Video or erotica, sometimes both! What medium of porn do you use? Video, pictures, literotica? It started with sexy tumblr GIFs and morphed into the occasional full porn video. Woman A: I don't remember the first time, but probably about 4 or 5 years ago. Woman C: Single When did you start watching porn? Woman A: I am in an exclusive but undefined relationship with a dude. Woman C: 21 What's your relationship status? In this week's Sex Talk Realness, we reached out to straight women who watch lesbian porn to see what draws them to the genre, and how it impacts their sexuality. It's the most sought category for Pornhub's female viewers, and of 4,000 readers surveyed by in 2014, 84% of straight women had watched lesbian porn, and 20.3% preferred it. In the past couple years, lesbian porn has emerged as a popular search term for millennial women.